College Graduation

Graduation from Texas Public Two-Year or Four-Year Colleges

Report shows the number of Texas public high school graduates receiving two-year degrees or four-year degrees from Texas public colleges within eight years of high school graduation. Report is available at the district, region, and state levels.

Higher Education Graduation - Statewide by Degree Level, Gender and Ethnicity

Counts and percents of degrees conferred by level of degree, gender, ethnicity, and school year for Texas public universities, Texas public 2-year colleges and Texas public health-related institutions. Report is available at the state level.

Higher Education Graduation by Degree Level, Institution, Gender and Ethnicity

Counts of degrees conferred by institution by gender and ethnicity, within level of degree. Reports available sorted by degree level or institution.

Higher Education Graduation Longitudinal Analysis - Statewide by Degree Level

Degrees conferred by school year for Texas public universities, Texas public two-year colleges, and Texas public health-related institutions. Report is available at the state level.

Higher Education Graduation Longitudinal Analysis - Statewide by Degree Level, Gender and Ethnicity

Counts of degrees conferred by level of degree, gender, ethnicity, and school year for Texas public universities, Texas public 2-year colleges and Texas public health-related institutions. Report is available at the state level.

Links to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board reports are listed under the Resources page. Reports include:
  • College Costs and Locator
  • Data and Statistics Portal
  • THECB Annual TSI/Alternative Test High School Summary
  • Dual Credit
  • High School Graduates Enrollment and Academic Performance
  • Texas Public Higher Education Almanac