High School Graduates

High School Graduates' Longitudinal Analysis

Counts of students who complete all requirements to receive a high school diploma during the school year. Data are summarized as totals and percentages by school year and diploma type. Reports are available at state, ESC region, and school district levels. They are also available by Texas House of Representatives, Texas Senate, Texas State Board of Education (SBOE), and U.S. Congressional district.

Texas Public High School Graduates and Dropouts by Texas Public Prekindergarten Eligibility and Attendance

Information on Texas public annual high school graduates and annual high school (grades 9 - 12) dropouts by Texas public prekindergarten (PK) attendance. Report displays and compares annual high school graduation and dropout data for PK eligible students who attended Texas public PK and eligible students who did not attend Texas public PK. Report is available at the state level.