Match Texas public high school graduates to students enrolled in Texas public higher education during the school year immediately following the year of their high school graduation. Summarize the graduates by ethnicity and gender by higher education institution type where they enrolled. Data for each selected school year appear on separate pages with individual pages accessible via a data group tree.
Graduates who enrolled in both a university and a two-year institution during the following school year are counted at the institution type where they enrolled for the higher number of semester credit hours. High school graduates who enrolled in out-of-state or in Texas independent institutions of higher education are counted in the "Not Located" category.
Data Elements
High School Graduates Enrolled in Higher Education:
- Texas public high school graduates. (Source: TEA PEIMS high school graduates)
- Students registered for one or more Coordinating Board approved courses for resident credit as of the official census date each semester. The official census data is the 12th class day for fall and spring semesters and the fourth class day for each of the summer terms. (Source: THECB CBM001 Student Report)
Higher Education Institution Type:
- Texas Public Universities - four-year universities, two-year upper division universities and centers, and health-related institutions
- Texas Public Two-year Colleges - two-year community, technical and lower-division state colleges
- Not Located in Public Higher Education - category for high school graduates who were not found in either a Texas public university or two-year institution
Female, Male.
The TEA reporting categories used for reporting data collected beginning in 2009-2010 school year are:
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic/Latino-Ethnic
- White
- Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
- Two or more races
The TEA reporting categories used for reporting data collected before 2009-2010 school year are:
- Native American
- Asian/Pacific Islander
- African American
- Hispanic
- White
School Year:
On this report, School Year indicates the year of high school graduation. The reporting period consisting of the fall, spring, and summer semesters that begins generally in September and runs through the following August. Fall 2001, spring 2002 and summer 2002 comprise school year 2001-2002, also referred to as school year 2002.