
This report shows levels of degrees conferred by gender and ethnicity, by school year. Data for each selected institution type appear on separate pages with individual pages accessible via a pulldown menu.

Data Elements

Higher Education Graduation:

All degrees and certificates awarded to students in active Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board approved programs are reported once a year in the fall immediately following the school year in which students received their degrees and certificates.

(Source: THECB CBM009 Graduation Report)

Higher Education Institution Type:

*Prior versions of this report may have contained Baylor College of Medicine, but as of December 16, 2010, this report was revised to include only public health-related institutions.

Level of Degree Conferred:


Female, Male.


Effective fall 2010, federal reporting of race/ethnicity categories changed. Through the 2009-2010 academic year, the THECB reporting categories were:

The Race/Ethnicity categories used in this report for reporting beginning in Fall 2010 are:

Hispanics are identified by an ethnicity question that is separate from the racial question. Hispanic students, except international ones, are counted as "Hispanic".

Students who are "Two or more races" (or multi-racial) are non-international, non-Hispanic students who selected two or more races.

"Asian" includes Asian, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders.

"Other" includes American Indian, Alaskan Native, Unknown, and Two or more races (multi-racial).

"International" students are shown as a separate category.

School Year:

The reporting period consisting of the fall, spring, and summer semesters that begins generally in September and runs through the following August. Fall 2001, spring 2002 and summer 2002 comprise school year 2001-2002, also referred to as school year 2002.